FAQ's About the Creator's Calendar
How can I know if it will be a 1 or a 2 day New Moon celebration?
As a general rule of thumb (and this will work 90% or more of the time) on the 29th day of the Creator’s month which is
the last Sabbath of the month (this is not to be confused with Gregorian months) if you can see a crescent moon up in
the EAST right before dawn, it is going to be a 30 day month. If you cannot see that sliver up in the east before dawn, it
is going to be a 29 day month. In the first scenario, the Sabbath of the 29th would be followed by day 30 (as it is still old
month) then day one (the first day of the new month). In the second scenario, day 29 would be followed by day 1 of the
new month.
Here's why.
If you can see that sliver up in the east right before dawn that means that the moon will conjunct with the sun the
following day. If you cannot see that sliver up right before dawn, that means conjunction will take place within the next 12
hours or so. The day after conjunction is always day one of the new month. The moment of conjunction the moon is
new, but there is a problem. The reason for this is conjunction day is split in two. It is part old month and part new
month. A day that began in the old month cannot under any circumstances be considered a "new" day. It is part old. If
the old day is black paint and the new day is white paint, conjunction day would be a shade of gray, it is part old month
as it began before conjunction and part new. Gray is not white.
So, the first day that actually begins IN the new moonth would be day one. Make sense?
Why does it take 2 days sometimes and 1 day other times for the new moon?
Originally, there were twelve 30 day months for a 360 day lunar and solar year. I get this from Genesis. In the flood
account, it is said in one place that the waters prevailed upon the earth from the 17th day of the second month to the
17th day of the seventh month (five months total--see Genesis 7:11 and 8:4). In another place it says that the waters
prevailed upon the earth for 150 days (Genesis 7:24, and 8:3).
5 x 30 = 150. Or said another way, 150 / 5 = 30. Proving to me that the months were originally all 30 days in length.
We all know that there are only 7 day weeks. 7 x 4 = 28, meaning that there are still some days left over in each month.
These "extra days" are not week days, they are new moon days, they fall outside the weekly count.
Now to answer your question. Early in Israel's history, YHVH slightly dented his clock. Their was a cosmic unsettling in
our solar system that altered the relationship between the earth and the sun and moon. I believe this was done on
purpose by YHVH to shake out the unbelievers.** Instead of a perfect 30 day cycle, the moon is now on a 29.5 day
cycle. Well, we cannot count a half day. Cosmically, how would you count a half day? You can't. So what is done is the
months are counted as 29 days or 30 days in length.
This accounts for there being one day of new moon at times, and two days at other times. 28 + 1 or 28 + 2.
**Everyone was still speaking the same language at the tower of Babel (the language of Eden--perhaps the language of
heaven). So YHVH came down, saw what they were doing, and confused the languages. He would no longer permit
them to commit such an abomination using the language that he taught to Adam. He did the same thing later with his
calendar. These same language groups that left the area around Babel took with them the only calendar they knew--the
one YHVH taught to Adam, so these pagan peoples were now worshipping their pagan deities on YHVH's time. So he
shook up the cosmos slightly knowing that only the Semitic peoples would continue to keep His calendar as He had
instructed. It was slightly different, but still worked just fine.
It is a historical fact that all nations of earth had at one time a 360 lunar/solar year of twelve 30 day months. All nations
were observing 2 days of new moon every month. But in one generation, all nations suddenly had new and differing
calendars. That would be the handiwork of YHVH. He shook out the pretenders knowing His people would find a way to
continue to observe His calendar. HalleluYah.
Should we look to Jerusalem and keep the new moon when they call it there?
I do not espouse keeping Jerusalem time unless you live in Jerusalem. Here's why...
If you observe the Sabbath from even to even (or from dawn), you are not keeping the Sabbath by Jerusalem time as
they are 7-10 time zones away (from the USA). Their Sabbath is one third to almost half over before you even begin. If
you can keep the days, the Sabbath in particular, by local time, and in fact they MUST be kept local time in order to keep
the Sabbath properly, then the month and year should also be kept by local observation for the same reason.
Indeed, there will be time when the new moon is sighted in Jerusalem 7-10 hours before we can see it. This probably
would not cause you any problems, right? Well, what happens if the moon is only 15 hours old over Jerusalem and too
young to see by the naked eye, but is 22-25 hours old when it gets over your head? A 22-25 hour old moon is usually
(but not always) visible. Well friend, there is no Levitical priesthood; and if you are observing the Creation Calendar you
are leaning on the solid Rock. You have learned of YHVH’s calendar. What would stop you from proclaiming a new
moonth? Jerusalem will see it in a few hours and they will join the others around the globe for a full 24 hours of new
moon observance. Earth is round (I think). The moon is not in a perfectly circular orbit. Somebody has to be the first to
see the moon and it is not always going to be Jerusalem. Child of Israel, if you are the first to see it, blow the trumpet, it’s
new moon!
I do not understand; what would make the moon in conjunction (considered a null moon in older times) seem
New? Why describe something you cannot see as new? When I start to see light on the moon (first visible
crescent) my mind says "That is a New Moon!"
I understand and sympathize with this logic. This is the way we ALL observed new moons originally. HalleluYah, the
Father loves us too much to leave us in error.
There is a new person in a mother's womb the moment of conception. You can't see him/her yet, but he/she is there
nonetheless. There is corn in that first green shoot as the stalk breaks the confines of the earth. You can't harvest, see
or taste it yet, but they are there nonetheless.
That first visible moon does announce a first, just not the first day of the month, rather the first work day is announced.
In a perfect twelve 30 day months (360 day year) EVERY month is a 30 day month. Meaning that the first quarter moon
would manifest itself on the 8th, the full on the 15th, the third quarter on the 22nd and a waning crescent on the 29th.
What we have presently is close to this, but not perfectly every month. (I believe YHVH is going to correct His calendar
before He returns--He will return earth to a 360 lunar/solar year. Read Revelation and understand that an asteroid strike
or even a near miss could, and has in the past, altered the relationship between earth and the sun and moon.)
The moon, according to Psalm 104:19 (in view of Genesis 1:14), rules the mo'edim, the appointed times. Leviticus 23
lists the Father's Holy appointed times. Notice the new moon celebration is not listed there. For the record, the new
moon is a day of Holy convocation, but it is not regulated by a "visible" moon. It is a third category of day.
To my knowledge, only the work days and Sabbaths are ruled by the moon. The new moon days are remarkable by their
LACK of any visible moon. If we blur the distinction that Scripture puts on these differing types of days, then we have
confusion. If there is a visible moon to mark new moon days, work days AND Sabbaths, then the last Sabbath of the
month (the 29th) will have no moon to announce it--those 1-2 dark days have to be somewhere in the count. Starting the
first day of month with a visible moon will force the 29th to be a dark moon day which is contrary to Leviticus 23. The
Sabbath is the FIRST mo'ed, YHVH's mo'edim are regulated by the moon, one would presume a visible moon. It would
seem odd to go out on the hills and look for nothing.
I wanted to ask you about your day 8 15, 22, 29 thing. Many lunar Sabbatarians see it as day 7, 14, 21 and 28
and the 29th and sometimes 30th days are called the “renewal days” or new moon days. It seems apparent
to me that the morning after seeing this light (or signal) from the moon would be the First day of the month
(new moon) NOT the first work day.
Here is how to tell whether the Sabbaths are the 7th, 14th, 21st and 28th days of the month or the 8th, 15th, 22nd and
29th days of the month. There are two separate arguments that will undo the 7-14-21-28 notion. But I have to ask a
question first. 1. Do you start your month by the first visible crescent or 2. do you call the dark day(s) after the last
Sabbath of the month new moon day(s)? Of course there are only 1 or 2 dark days.
If 1. then do the math my new friend. If you start the month with the first visible crescent, your quarter phases of the
moon will be on the 9/10th, 16/17th, 23/24th and the 30th/1st days of the month. This is another (maybe the toughest)
indictment against starting the month with the first visible crescent. All the Sabbaths will be a day or two AFTER the
quarter phases of the moon, which in reality eliminates the moon from consideration as a time piece as there is nothing
special about it's cycle to link with the Sabbath. This is why none of us suspected any of this for all these years. We saw
nothing special linking the weekly Sabbath's with the new moon so we kept them divorced one from the other. But
Scripture CLEARLY says the moon is part of the Creation Calendar (Genesis 1:14, Psalm 104:19). Add it back and
BOOM! The Gregorian calendar blows up.
If 2. then you must realize that the only weekly Sabbaths that can be date identified in Scripture are always on either the
8th, 15th, 22nd or the 29th days of the month, without exception. When we recognize the dark days as a third category
of day and leave the moon to regulate the week days and Sabbaths, VIOLA! Suddenly the Sabbaths fall in line with the
quarter phases of the moon (and hopefully the scales fall off our eyes). Passover is the 14th day of the first month and
is NOT a Sabbath. It was and is ALWAYS preparation day for the first day of Unleavened Bread, the 15th of the first
month. This alone undoes the 7-14-21-28 doctrine. But it begs another question. Why ISN'T it 7-14-21-28 and why
ARE the weekly Sabbaths on the 8th, 15th, 22nd and 29th days of the month if the Sabbath is the seventh day of the
week? The new moon days are a third category of day. They are not part of the week; they are not week days. If day
one is new moon day, then you have 6 working days, then the first Sabbath of the month will always, without exception,
be on the 8th day of the MONTH. This day is, however, the seventh day of the WEEK, since day one was not counted as
a week day. Look at august of 2009. The first week is from day 2 to day 8. If you can grasp that, you should be able to
understand what I am sharing here.
There are no problems or issues once we look at the evidence in Scripture and accept it for what it says and/or
represents. The truth will never straddle the fence. The Creation Calendar will not find parts of itself in a pagan/papal
calendar and parts of itself written in the heavens. The evidence will totally eliminate every segment of the pagan
calendar from possibility and it will also totally eliminate man's fanciful ideas he tries to put upon the Creation Calendar. I
would not fuss at a man for keeping the Sabbath on the 7th, 14th, 21st or 28th days of the month, he is at least trying to
understand the Father's calendar. But this is just man's early efforts at understanding the Creation Calendar. We are
so used to repeating 7's that we try to force this upon the Father's calendar too, and it simply will not hold water.
Can anybody give me the scriptural quotes that state that we are to observe the crescent moon with our
naked eye in order to know when to start our work week? I have looked, and looked, and looked again and
do not find even one scriptural reference to support this.
I realize this may seem like first grade stuff, but this cannot be overstated. Genesis 1:14 says that the luminaries in the
heavens would be for signs (beacons signals), seasons, (Mo'edim, appointed times), days and years. Psalm 104:19
says that the moon regulates the appointed times. Leviticus 23:1-3 states that the weekly Sabbath is the FIRST feast,
Mo'edim, appointed time.
The real answer to your question (after laying the firm foundation above) is found in Ezekiel 46:1, and verse 3. In this
passage, we see three different types of days depicted. Work days (temple door shut), new moon days (temple door
open) and Sabbaths (temple door open). I have said for some time that the sun tells us when a new day begins, but
based upon the four passages above, the moon tells us which type of day it is. If there are three distinct days, then the
moon must have three different presentations, and it does.
Now for the Scriptural evidence that you need to observe the moon rather than calculate...
Observe the month (New Moon) of Abib — Deuteronomy 16:1
Observe the feast of unleavened bread — Exodus 12:17
Observe the feast of weeks (Pentecost) — Exodus 34:22
Observe the feast of tabernacles — Deuteronomy 16:13
Observe the Sabbath … for a perpetual covenant— Exodus 31:16
Every one of these events above is regulated by a signal or beacon from the moon. We observe things with our eyes.
While this word "observe" can also mean to keep or hold fast, I would not disregard that you also observe things with
your eyes, not your nose, fingers, tongue or ears. We were not told to smell the month of Abib, etc. >grin<
To narrow down to your specific question regarding the observation of the sliver for the first work day... If you
understand all the above texts, and understand that the moon has three distinct types of presentations (dark days,
illuminated non-quarter, and illuminated quarter phases) then the rest is elementary. The new moon is the dark phase of
the moon, not the first visible crescent (the counterfeit), only illuminated phases are left remaining for the week days. If
the Sabbaths are the quarter phases (and they are), what is left?
Answer: the other illuminated days of the moon, the FIRST of which has no choice but to announce the FIRST work day
as the illuminated moon only announces the week days.
I hope this was Scriptural enough to satisfy your curiosity and simple enough to understand. It is clear that the moon was
put in the heavens as part of YHVH's calendar. You cannot hear the moon, taste the moon, feel the moon or hear the
moon. The ONLY thing you can do is observe, LOOK at the moon. Unless you are sight impaired and have a talking
watch, if I asked you the time, you would not sniff, lick, listen or feel your watch, you'd look at it.
I cannot agree that all weekly Sabbaths occur on 8, 15, 22, 29. In the week that Christ was crucified,
Passover occurred on the 15th. It actually began on the 14th. The the day of the crucifixion, was a
Wednesday, Gregorian. The weekly Sabbath then fell on a Saturday, Gregorian, which would have been the
17th day of Nisan.
1. Passover is never on the 15th. Scripture clearly states that it always takes place in its entirety on the 14th of Abib
(with the second Passover falling on the 14th of the second month if you were unable to partake in the first month). The
15th of Abib is the first day of Unleavened Bread and an annual (or high) Sabbath. You should know this (Leviticus 23:
5-7). Israel would not have crucified anyone on a high feast day, and indeed did not. Passover takes place on the day
before the first day of Unleavened Bread, it is a preparation day every year.
2. I agree, sort of, if you go back in time counting backward by sevens, the date of the Crucifixion took place on what we
now call tuesday, not wednesday. The problem is that neither tuesday nor wednesday existed 2000 years ago. Problem
number two is that Israel did not observe a pagan/Roman calendar 2000 years ago and did not until about the 4th
century when Rome forced Hillel II to standardize the "Jewish" calendar. Problem number three is that 2000 years ago,
satyrday was not the seventh day of the planetary week, it was the first.
3. Every weekly Sabbath that has enough information in the context of the passage to determine the date is always on
the 8th, 15th 22nd, and 29th days of the month. There are none that pinpoint a Sabbath on a date other then these.
For instance, if you will carefully examine Leviticus 23, there is no provision for a weekly Sabbath to take place
anywhere during the week long feasts (Unleavened Bread and Tabernacles). These Sabbaths take place at the
beginning of these feasts (the 15th in both cases) and the eighth day is added as a part of Tabernacles and takes place
on the 22nd of the seventh month. What you have done (or those who taught you this understanding) is add to Torah
by insisting that the weekly Sabbath was on the 18th during the week of Unleavened Bread 2000 years ago. You are
also insisting that Israel was using the pagan planetary week 2000 years ago when in fact ROME was not even using this
calendar 2000 years ago. The Roman Republican calendar was in force then and consisted of an 8 day market
calendar week, the days lettered A through H.
4. Satyrday has been the seventh day of the week only since 321 A.D. Previous to that it was the first day of the pagan
planetary week. Constantine changed the column in which satyrday fell when venerating the day of the sun to the
elevated number one column (from the number 2 column). Whoever is in charge is in charge of the calendar. As
Emperor, Constantine could change the calendar in a whim, and did. YHVH changes not (Malachi 3:6). The calendar
you observe tells you when to work and when to worship. WHEN you worship tells heaven and the onlooking universe
WHO you worship. Getting the day right is THAT serious.
5. Do you honestly believe that the heavenly Father needs a pagan calendar in which to preserve His Sabbaths when
He created and established His own in Genesis 1:14-19?
6. Can you go out and look at the sun and tell me what day of the week or month it is? No you cannot, so your solar
only calendar betrays you. You have to lean on the arm of flesh (Gregorian calendar, your watch, or computer) in order
to find your Sabbaths.
7. If you doubt anything here, please examine the evidence. The Father has put roadblocks before every objection to
His Calendar. I will happily (and with the right attitude) show you the answers from Scripture for nearly every objection
you can come up with. I've heard them all (this argument above included). The Holy Spirit is 100% in revealing the
truth. That same Spirit is also 100% in dismantling the vain doctrines of carnal men. I at first hurled all my own
objections against the Creation Calendar. None of them even dented the truth, so I have dedicated myself to the task of
using Scripture to answer the objections of others.
The conjunction determines the day of the new moon. There is nothing in scripture that even suggests
going to the next day for the new moon after the day of the new moon conjunction. New moon day is always
the day of conjunction.
It sounds like a logical statement, but "mistress logic is the Devil's whore." Martin Luther.
A day starts when the day begins. If that day began in the old month, it is a day in the old month. It is not new because it
did not begin new. We are not talking about earthly events that occur DURING a day, we are talking about cosmic events
that MAKE a day.
This is as clear a statement as I can make regarding a new month. Let's say that the first day of a new month is
represented by a gallon of white paint and the last day of the month is represented by a gallon of black paint. And the
days between are progressively a darker shade of gray the older the month gets. Each gallon can of paint takes 24
hours to fill. Now we get to conjunction day. It starts out the blackest of black paint, and at the moment of conjunction
that gallon can starts to be filed with the whitest of white paint. Is the paint in this gallon going to be perfectly white?
If not, then conjunction day is NOT day one of the month. On 29 day months, the 4th Sabbath of the month is cleaved by
conjunction. Is this day suddenly part Sabbath and part new moon day? Heavens no, it started as the Sabbath and it will
FINISH as the Sabbath. New moon will start as a fresh new day and will finish as new moon day.
Starting a new month in the manner describes in red above totally eliminates the phases of the moon from meaning
anything at all because all your Sabbaths and appointed times will be a day or two BEFORE the actual phase. YHVH
never does anything BEFORE the appointed signal from the beacon. He is either right on time or He may tarry, but
NEVER early.
What is the Feast of Tabernacles? (Question asked by a Seventh-day Adventist friend. You can fill in the
blank and apply this response to ANY of the annual feast days).
Let's see, Feast of Tabernacles. Do you want the long or short version? >grin< This is the short version (really).
We've done some studying and found that the "Sabbath" is an institution, not just a day. There are other players in this
thing we call, THE Sabbath. The word Sabbath means rest or intermission. It is a ceasing from our normal routine.
There are weekly intermissions (the seventh day Sabbath of course--the one we are most familiar with), there are
monthly intermissions (new moon days), and the annual intermissions (the feast days). And then there are the GRAND
Sabbath institutions, the land Sabbaths where all farming activity ceases every seventh year to let the land rest and then
the Jubilee cycle. The ultimate Sabbath appears to be the "Sabbath" millennium where earth will rest for 1,000 years.
(My theology on the 1,000 is evolving presently though as the Old Testament (OT) is silent about the saints "going to
heaven for 1,000 years". Rather, the OT tells us that this time span will be spent here on earth, so I have taken to calling
it the millennial Kingdom for a lack of a better term.)
If your head is not spinning from all this, I'll continue with just the Feast of Tabernacles part. Much of the above is every
bit a part of the original SDA heritage (except for the 1000 years on earth part) but it is not taught today and is mostly
poo-pooed (Adventism has lost her first love--I imagine this is not a news flash for you though). I'll wait for the dust to
settle before I continue if you want.
Feast of Tabernacles is the last of the seven annual feast days, or appointed times. The word feast is from the Hebrew
word, Mo'edim, and means appointed or set time. The weekly Sabbath is the Father's first feast, His first appointed time.
You can find these annual Sabbaths listed in order on Leviticus 23. The weekly Sabbath is the Father's first listed feast.
Starting with the weekly Sabbath, there follows Passover/Unleavened Bread, Feast of Weeks or Feast of Harvest (a.k.a.
Pentecost), Feast of Trumpets, Day of Atonement, and finally, Feast of Tabernacles.
[As a side note: Adventism used Day of Atonement as their springboard to prominence. They now say that these annual
feasts were "nailed to the cross". Yet, if this is so, why did they UN-nail Day of Atonement shortly before 1844 in order to
form their faith 160+ years ago? And if Day of atonement was "valid" in 1844 (WELL after the crucifixion) why did they
nail it back?]
The point is, these annual Sabbaths never went away and were commanded to be observed forever. I can send you
some short studies on this if you are at all interested. It was the Catholic church who claims to have buried them (along
with the Sabbath). Adventism disagreed with them about the Sabbath, but fell short of restoring the entire Sabbath
institution. Based upon the un-nailing of a feast day in 1844, they should have continued in that vein. Even the
carpenter from Nazareth said that until heaven and earth pass, not one jot or tittle would pass from the law. Well, go
outside and look up, then look down. If heaven and earth are still there, then not one jot or tittle has changed from the
law. The word Law in Hebrew is Torah, which means "book of instruction". The Torah is the first five book of Scripture.
So there was quite a bit that was not to cease at Calvary, although a case can be made for the sacrificial system.
[Another note: Some say that we are not to observe the "Jewish" feasts because the sacrificial law has been suspended.
Two problems with this thinking. One, they are not the "Jewish" feasts. The Father calls them His feasts twice in
Leviticus 23:1-4. Two, there were double sacrifices offered on the weekly Sabbath, yet we continue to observe this day,
Numbers 28:9-10. (Numbers 28:1-8 gives account of the daily sacrifice). If the weekly appointed time can be observed
sans sacrifices, so can the annual appointed times. The command was for TIME to be spent with the YHVH. These feast
days are DAYS that are appointed and called holy by the Father. Something He calls Holy, we cannot undo or ignore. If
at one point He commanded sacrifices too, that is OK. These are ordinances performed during the DAY, kind of like a
worship service is performed during the day, but the Sabbath is not over when the service is complete. The sacrifices
were not the appointed time, the day itself, the segment of holy time was the Day.]
Another proof for the annual feasts is that they exist in the perpetual covenant (Psalm 111:9). The covenant made with
Israel at Sinai is listed from Exodus 20 all the way to the end of chapter 23. Israel then ratifies the covenant in Exodus 24:
1-7. Found in Exodus 23:14-17 is the command to observe these festivals as statutes. There is a second witness found
in the Torah later after Moses broke the first tablets of the covenant. The feasts are again listed in Exodus 34:10-28,
verses 18 and 22 specifically, after the covenant had to be written a second time.
Another note: You were probably taught that only the 10 commandments were written on the tablets of stone. Did you
know that these tablets were written on BOTH sides? Exodus 32:15. In two other places, the Father writes on both front
and back side of a document (Ezekiel 2:7-10 and Revelation 5:1), so there is a precedent set. There was more than just
the commandments chiseled in stone. The entire covenant was written there as they are called "tablets of the covenant"
in places, Deuteronomy 9:9-15, Hebrews 9:4. There was more to the covenant than just the Decalogue.
Some SDA's argue against the feasts using Sister White. I can show you from EGW and Scripture that these feasts are
still required. So, we observe them. It ain't legalism, it's called obedience. Legal means it's the right thing to do.
I believe G-d's lunar cycle is supposed to be perfect. So I can't understand why, without "man's"
intervention of adding an occasional 13 month, why this perfect cycle should come out of sync with the
seasons. Why does "man" have to "fix" G-d's calendar?
Where in Scripture does it say there are only 12 month in a year? The heavenly father dented his clock (on purpose),
sometime between the flood and the exodus, but no one is certain when it took place. Man did not have to "fix" YHVH's
clock, he just merely has to obey or observe it. Fact is, there is no verse in Scripture that says there are only 12 months
in a year. The other facts are these: every month begins with a new moon. When the 12th months ends well short of the
beginning of the year, what would YOU do? I'm not sure it ended THAT far short of spring very often, but if it did, I'd add
a 13th month and keep Passover in the correct season.
The reason he dented His clock is for the same reason He confused His language. The tower of Babel was built using
the language of Eden (of heaven really). So Yah "dented" the original language of earth, making many where there had
been only one. Likewise, once scattered, these heathens were worshipping their pagan deities using the CALENDAR of
Eden, so Yah slightly altered the relationship between the earth, sun and moon knowing full well that only His people
would figure out a way to continue to observe His appointed times while the pagans, under no such ideals, would create
calendars of their own to suit their own pagan ideals. A man named Immanuel Velikovsky discovered this change of
calendar in his research of ancient calendars. Basically, far enough back in time, all peoples had the same identical
calendar: the lunar/solar calendar of Scripture. But in one generation, suddenly, every nation had their own, different
calendar. The further the nation from YHVH, the greater the change. So Yah "dented" the original calendar of earth,
making many where there was only one True Calendar.
Yah's people will find the True calendar and observe it.
Elohim rested on the seventh day of the week. And he hallowed that specific day (Genesis 2:2). However,
the moon did not show up until the fourth day of creation week. So it is impossible for that first Sabbath to
have been synchronized to the phases of the moon. (Only four days from the first manifestation of the moon
until the first Sabbath day.) If the first Sabbath day was not synchronized to the moon, then I don't see why
the following ones should be?
What was the FIRST thing created during the Creation week? If you said "light" you are wrong. See Genesis 1:1.
Heaven and earth was created first but this creation event is not followed by "and the evening and the morning was the
first day".
Why not?
Because the segment of time when heaven and earth was created was not a week day, but it was a segment of time
counted outside the week. In fact, it was a new moon day.
See if this makes sense as I use the question above against the questioner... If the first [Month] was not
synchronized to the [new] moon, then I don't see why the following ones should be?
Fact: The second month after creation began with a new moon day, so what do you suppose the first month in earth's
history began with?
The moon conjuncts with the earth and sun EVERY month restarting the lunar cycle. It has done so since Creation
week. The one asking the question is fussing at Creation Calendar observers because he THINKS the moon was not
created until day 4 (which would indeed throw off our understanding of the Creation Calendar). So, basically, since the
moon was not "created" until the 4th day of the first week, the questioner believes that the first month had 26 or 27 days
and all the rest of the months have had 29 or 30 days?
Friends, the moon has been on a 29.5 day cycle for thousands of years, and was originally on a 30 day cycle. This cycle
is reset by new moon EVERY month.
The solution will not be found in your text books or in the tradition of men, it will be found in Scripture. The solution is
three fold, they work together and they are all in Scripture. Ezekiel 46:1 and Genesis 1:1 (in combination with Genesis
1:3-5 and 1:16).
One: the moon was not Created from scratch on Creation day 4. It was created in Genesis 1:1 when heaven and earth
was created. The foundation of all creation was laid in Genesis 1:1, and rearranged for the next 6 days until YHVH had
everything where He wanted it.
Proof: The word "made" in Genesis 1:16 means "advanced upon" or "appointed", not necessarily "created". The
Hebrew word is Asah. This word is used elsewhere. Particularly in Psalm 104:19. The moon was APPOINTED (asah)
for seasons (Mo'edim which means appointed times, set feasts).
Double proof: The sun was lit in Genesis 1:3-5 when recounting Creation day #1, not on day four. The light that was
"created" was to separate day from night. There is only ONE light in the heavens that can do that, and that is the sun. In
fact there are THREE day/night combinations BEFORE day four when the sun has traditionally been accepted to have
been created.
Assignment: if not the sun, what light in the heaven separated the day from night for the first three days of the Creation
week? It wasn't YHVH because where He is, there is no night there (so says Revelation 22:5).
Two: Ezekiel 46:1 says that the gate to the inner court of the temple is shut on ALL SIX working days, but open on new
moon and Sabbaths. These are worship days (just as Isaiah 66:22-23 says). Does the questioner observe the new
moon days as commanded in Scripture? Last month (Oct. 2007), new moon fell on friday. Would the gate be open or
shut? If he says open because it is new moon, I should remind him that it must be closed, it is friday the sixth day of his
work week. If he agrees with me that it should be closed, I should say, but friend, it must be open, it is new moon. You
have no right answer because you are using the wrong calendar.
What this means: the new moon days do not count against the work week. New moon is a third category of day, not
equal to the common work day or the Sabbath.
This passage in Ezekiel 46 (as well as Genesis 1:14, Psalm 104:19 and Leviticus 23:1-3) destroys the Gregorian
calendar, which means that if you are going to follow YHVH, you are going to have to change your lifestyle.
Three: Genesis 1:1 was the new moon day of the first month. The foundation of earth was laid on new moon day, but
this event did not count against the subsequent 7 day work week. The desert tabernacle was erected on new moon day
and the returning exiles relaid the foundation of the temple on new moon day, so there is continuity throughout Scripture.
Proof: The battle of Jericho began on new moon day (the first day of the second month according to the Book of
Jasher). Which is why Israel could march around the city prepared for war for seven consecutive days and not break the
I just had one question about the counting from the new moon. How do you explain the scriptures of Jesus
being in the ground three days and three nights. And then the scriptures of his resurrection sometime after
the Sabbath ended during the beginning of the first day of the week? If he was crucified on the 14th day
and then rose after the Sabbath, by your dating it would have happened in the beginning of the 16th day,
thus he would have only been in the ground from sundown the 14th to sundown the 15th. It doesn't fit with
Matthew 12:40.
I explain it like this. Where does it say Jesus would be in the ground for 3 days and 3 nights?
Heart of the earth means the land of Israel. Please understand that Scripture is its own dictionary and the FIRST time
this phrase is used is in Genesis 48:16. Matthew was writing his gospel to Israelites so he wrote in terms that they would
readily recognize. “In the heart of…” is very much a Hebrew idiom or expression. This phrase is found several times
throughout the Old Testament, which was the only Scripture extant at the time Matthew wrote. Let’s examine some of
The Angel which redeemed me from all evil, bless the lads; and let my name be named on them, and the name of my
fathers Abraham and Isaac; and let them grow into a multitude in the midst of the earth, Genesis 48:16. See also
Exodus 8:22, Psalm 74:12, and Daniel 4:10.
Out of heaven he made thee to hear his voice, that he might instruct thee: and upon earth he showed thee his great fire;
and thou heardest his words out of the midst of the fire. Deuteronomy 4:36
There be three things which are too wonderful for me, yea, four which I know not:
The way of an eagle in the air; the way of a serpent upon a rock; the way of a ship in the midst of the sea; and the way of
a man with a maid. Proverbs 30:18-19
Midst of the earth and heart of the earth are the same thing. Heart of the earth is a Hebrew idiom used in both the OT
and the NT and it is never used to mean grave. If the man from Galilee had wanted to say he was going to be in the
"Grave" for 3 days and 3 nights, he had plenty of words and expressions to choose from: grave, Sheol, hell, the pit,
gehenna, tartarus, the abyss, hades, etc. Granted, some of those are Greek, not Hebrew/Aramaic, but the Greek
translators did not use the Greek equivalent for grave either.
He is saying that he will be in the middle of Israel for three days and three nights. What exactly is meant by this is open
to debate, but what cannot be successfully argued is that this phrase means grave when it literally means something on
the surface of the earth, not 6 feet under (so to speak). How can we know? Do any of the above passages in any way
indicate a location beneath the surface of the earth or sea? Is a ship that is in the heart of the ocean on the surface or
has it sunk to the bottom? Was the heavenly voice heard from underneath the fire or out of the middle of it?
Many (including me at one point) thought that the sign of Jonah meant the time he spent in the belly of the great fish.
And if you only read Matthew's account, this is easy to think. But stopping there will show our lack of studiousness.
Read Luke's account as well...
If you compare Matthew 12 to Luke 11:29-32, the sign of Jonah is about the message Jonah gave the Ninevites, not the
interesting journey Jonah endured getting to Ninevah. Evidence: What was the only sign Jonah gave the Ninevites? It
was "repent or die." The Ninevites had no knowledge of Jonahs' interesting ride to the shore. In case you had never
considered this or examined the evidence, Ninevah is about 600 miles from the shore where Jonah was vomited out on
the beach. There is no evidence of his retelling of this tale in Ninevah, so the Ninevites had no knowledge of it.
What was the ONLY sign Jesus gave to the scribes and pharisees? The same one Jonah gave Ninevah. Repent or die.
There is always perfect harmony in the truth.
In order to have Jesus in the tomb for three full days and be resurrected on a “Sunday” some say that Passover must
have been on a “Wednesday”. Even then the resurrection is forced to take place minutes after sundown on the Sabbath
(the 17th) when Scripture said it took place shortly before dawn. (Matthew 28:1) Remember, in order to get a full three
days and three nights into this "doctrine", he would have had to have been resurrected at the same time he was buried--
three days later. This did not happen, the burial taking place at sunset, the resurrection occurring at dawn. This
segment of their calendar looks like this:
4 5 6 7 8 9 10
11 12 13 14 15 16 17
18 19 20 21 22 23 24
Understanding the weekend of the crucifixion in this manner creates a very critical problem. It is correctly said that the
Sabbath coming right after Passover (the 15th) was the first day of Unleavened Bread. The problem is that this forces
the 17th of Abib to be some spurious “weekly” Sabbath after which would follow resurrection Sunday (the 18th as
presented here). Now, count backward seven days from the 17th. Do you know what the 10th day of Abib was for?
Every year, on the 10th day of Abib, Israel was commanded to go into the field and select the Passover lamb and set it
aside. Folks who did not have livestock went to the temple and purchased a sacrifice. Buying and selling is prohibited
on the Sabbath.
If the 17th was a Sabbath, so was the 10th. The 17th is nowhere called a Sabbath, but the 10th IS a commanded work
day, see Exodus 12:3-6. If you will read Leviticus 23 you will find that the passover is the 14th of Abib, the Sabbath is
the following day, the 15th so the morning AFTER the Sabbath is the 16th. Do you believe the Torah or not? Unless I've
missed something somewhere, it is always best to make things line up with Torah. The resurrection took place on the
16th in the NT if the OT is to be believed. What is NOT to be believed is that the phrase in the heart of the earth has
something to do with a grave/tomb.
Please explain to me the "New moon" and the "No moon" (what is the difference). Shalom.
New moon and no moon are nearly same. New moon is the first day of the month (there is also no moon out on new
moon day). Just a straight up "no moon" day could be new moon day, but it can also be the first day of a two day new
moon segment.
There can be 1-2 days of new moon, only one of which is the first day of the new month. Let me give you a visual...
2 3 4 5 6 7 8
9 10 11 12 13 14 15 First Month, 30 days
16 17 18 19 20 21 22
23 24 25 26 27 28 29
2 3 4 5 6 7 8
9 10 11 12 13 14 15 Second Month, 29 days
16 17 18 19 20 21 22
23 24 25 26 27 28 29
2 3 4 5 6 7 8
9 10 11 12 13 14 15 Third Month, 30 days
16 17 18 19 20 21 22
23 24 25 26 27 28 29
The months do not always toggle back and forth between 29 and 30 days as presented here. The dates in blue are new
moon days, the dates in black are work days, the dates in red are Sabbaths. Notice that there are two days of new moon
in a row with there is a 30 day month. Only the second one is the first day of the new month or new moon day, but BOTH
are "no moon" days.
I hope this helps.
How can it be a two day new moon celebration for some and a one day for others? Doesn't seem to match
what a precise Creator would do.
Easy. Let's say that conjunction takes place right over the present international date line. Japan is only about 2 hours
away, so they won't see the new crescent. England is about 12 hours away from the date line, so they will not see it
either. California is about 20 hours away and they might see the first visible crescent, and more than likely Hawaii (some
22 hours away from the international date line) will see it. All this takes place on the same 24 day and date on the
Gregorian calendar. So for Hawaii and maybe California, it would be a one day new moon. No one else would see it until
the following evening.
Friend, this happens every month. Someone is going to see it before everyone else. They start, everyone west of that
first sighting follows. For some, that puts their new moon day on a different date on the Gregorian calendar as those
who saw it first. For those it is what we call a two day new moon celebration. Please do not lose sight of the fact that
they are all still worshipping on the 8th, 15th, 22nd and 29th days of the month. Some are doing it on one side of the
man-made international date line, some on the other, so it looks like they are worshipping on different days, but in reality
they are not because the Father's date line moves about.